Biological Cybernetics

3D printing of elastomeric bioinspired complex adhesive microstructures




Author(s): Dayan, Cem Balda and Chun, Sungwoo and Krishna-Subbaiah, Nagaraj and Drotlef, Dirk-Michael and Akolpoglu, Mukrime Birgul and Sitti, Metin
Journal: Advanced Materials
Volume: 33
Number (issue): 40
Pages: 2103826
Year: 2021

Department(s): Physical Intelligence
Research Project(s): Liquid-superrepellent, high-performance and 3D complex fibrillar adhesives
Bibtex Type: Article (article)
Paper Type: Journal

DOI: 10.1002/adma.202103826


  title = {3D printing of elastomeric bioinspired complex adhesive microstructures},
  author = {Dayan, Cem Balda and Chun, Sungwoo and Krishna-Subbaiah, Nagaraj and Drotlef, Dirk-Michael and Akolpoglu, Mukrime Birgul and Sitti, Metin},
  journal = {Advanced Materials},
  volume = {33},
  number = {40},
  pages = {2103826},
  year = {2021},
  doi = {10.1002/adma.202103826}